Aviation Job Search

Flight Attendant Qualifications

Typical Requirements and/or Experience

The minimum age requirement is usually 19, but most airlines like attendants to be at least 21 years old. Most airlines require attendants to be height-weight proportionate, and even have certain maximum weight allowances depending on height. Applicants should also be well groomed and wear only conservative jewelry. Men must have their hair cut above the collar and be clean-shaven, although a mustache usually is allowed. Corrected vision either with contact lenses or glasses is also now acceptable for flight attendants.


A high school diploma or its equivalent is required, but many airlines now require two years of college or experience working in customer service. Almost 50 percent of all flight attendants are now college graduates, and 70 percent have some college education.

Wages and Benefits

Salaries and benefits can vary. For an updated look at salaries in the aviation industry, view the Avjobs.com Salary Report.


Airline Flight Attendant Duties - Qualifications

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